Are You Sure You’re Ready?


I have heard some advises from other men older of age, whenever you think something necessary in your daily needs specially you have enough money and its very cheap this time, even you’re not gonna use it yet, go ahead and buy it, since time after time the Price of all things will increase. Well, some part I agree, but really can’t say It’s a YES YES….

I strongly believe that there’s a lot of things you have to consider when buying, specially things that needs big amount of money , let use House as an example. Buying a House is not like buying a cloth ( Not unless you’re truly a Multi – Millionaire ), Of course you need to be more practical, in particularly Money Matters.

These are the best 2 things you have to put in mind when buying A Home .

1.Check first your standing, are you capable enough? Is your salary and savings enough for this? If yes…

2. What if there’s an a unnecessary things came / happened, are you willing to do everything for you not to loose the House? Or should I say are you willing to sacrifice? Since most of the terms of payment is really long.

I know these 2 things are so common , but definitely not easy.

Let me know if you want me to explain it in details or you have other questions in mind specially when It comes to HOME.

I’m willing to help, Call me at 612-685-8811.

So, How Can You Win in a Hot Market????


The Market is Hot, Hot, Hot!  Buyer demand is up significantly and available home inventory is down, and predictions are that it will remain this way.  So, how Can you Win in a Hot Market?

For Buyers:
1.  Find a great Buyer’s Agent who knows the market, is a negotiation expert and has a Strategy to put your offer ahead of other buyers in multiple offer situations and works to find you homes versus telling you to find a home and then come
talk to me.

agent hands

Meet in person with the agent so you know there’s a good fit in working together, that this agent is willing
to work for you to help find you a home, focus on your needs and be honest with you so you know what to
expect through the process and in this market.
2.  Yes, get Preapproved with a Great Local Lender.   This is huge!  You will want a lender who is responsive to
you.  Does the lender return your call in the evening?  If the lender doesn’t return your call, why would they
return the call to an agent trying to decipher the best buyer for their seller in a multiple offer?
The lender should also be willing to take the time and sit down with you and answer questions, run a
variety of financing options and payments so you know and feel good about the numbers before you need
to make the biggest decision of your life.
startThis is the best start you can have in being prepared for a Hot Market and being ahead of your competition.
Please feel free to contact us with your comments, questions and check out our website at

So, How Can You Win in a Hot Market?


Buyer demand is up significantly and available home inventory is down, and predictions are that it will remain this way.  So, how Can you Win in a Hot Market?


For Buyers:
1.  Find a great Buyer’s Agent who knows the market, Is a negotiation expert and has a Strategy to put your offer ahead of other buyers in multiple offer situations and works to find you homes versus telling you to find a home and then come
talk to meagent
Meet in person with the agent so you know there’s a good fit in working together, that this agent is willing
to work for you to help find you a home, focus on your needs and be honest with you so you know what to
expect through the process and in this market.
2.  Yes, get pre approved with a Great Local Lender. This is huge! You will want a lender who is responsive to
you.  Does the lender return your call in the evening?  If the lender doesn’t return your call, why would they
return the call to an agent trying to decipher the best buyer for their seller in a multiple offer?
The lender should also be willing to take the time and sit down with you and answer questions, run a
variety of financing options and payments so you know and feel good about the numbers before you need
to make the biggest decision of your life.
startThis is the best start you can have in being prepared for a Hot Market and being ahead of your competition.
Please feel free to contact us with your comments, questions and check out our website at

Awesome Moves by UAAP Cheer Dancers

The UAAP Cheer dance Competition is an annual one-day event of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines for cheer leading. The participants for the said competitions are students from different schools here in the Philippines such as Adamson University (AdU), Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU), De La Salle University (DLSU), Far Eastern University (FEU), National University (NU), University of the East (UE), University of the Philippines (UP),and University Of Santo Tomas (UST).

For this year 2014, National U Pepsquad won again in the competition.

The cheer dancers together with their coaches Gabby Bajacan and Karl Pabilonia were able to defend the title since they are also the last year’s champion.

This is the photo of the champion for this year. ( NU )

nu pepsquad

But honestly for me, I love the performance of University of the Philippines Pep Squad for this year.

Their dance routine is so clean, specially the timing and their executions.I really like the way they do tumbling, they move together at the same time. Whenever they jump, it feels like their really thin.

And If I am only one of the judges in that cheer dance competition, I will choose University of the Philippines Pep Squad as the champion for this year since generally the stunts that they pulled off are so awesome. I think some of you feel it too.

I hope that next year they will get the crown.

By the way,if you haven’t watched the video of their cheer dance, you may check out this video by University Of The Phillipines cheerdancers.

Advertising, and Its Types

Advertising is a form of marketing communication. It is used to encourage viewers, readers or listeners to take or continue to take some action.

If you are the type of person who loves selling, let me share with you the different advertising style.


First, is the Print Advertising, this type of advertising normally advertise products by using newspapers, magazines, brochures, and fliers.

billboard    Second, It’s the Outdoor Advertising, which makes use of several tools and techniques to attract the customers outdoors. The most common examples of outdoor advertising is billboards

tv  Third is Broadcast advertising ,It’s a very popular advertising medium that constitutes of several branches like television, radio or the Internet.Television advertisements have been very popular ever since they have been introduced.The radio might have lost its charm owing to the new age media however the radio remains to be the choice of small-scale advertisers

nokia  Fourth is Covert advertising,it is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise‘s character John Anderton owns a phone with the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner.

mobile bb Fifth is Mobile billboard advertising. It is generally vehicle mounted billboards or digital screens. The billboards are often lighted; some being backlit, and others employing spotlights.

coke  The sixth type of advertisement is In-store advertising .It is any advertisement placed in a retail store. It includes placement of a product in visible locations in a store,eye-catching displays promoting a specific product, and advertisements in such places as shopping carts and in-store video displays.

manny p  Seventh type is Celebrity Advertising. This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products. Advertisers often advertise their products, for this example, Manny Pacquiao always take Alaxan FR always after his fight.

 These are the common types of Advertisements that you can use everytime you want  advertise your product.

Real Estate Growth in Utah

It is so nice to see that after the recession in United States, well not only in US but almost all of the countries, Utah continued to have a healthy economy in 2013 and getting better this year 2014.

I felt the happiness inside of me, when I’ve heard about the Forecast for Utah for this year.

They said that this year was an explosive one for Utah Homes. And absolutely the supply of available “Home For Sale” is getting bigger and bigger, and the good thing as well, for this year the rise in home prices will more likely be between 3 percent and 7 percent , not unlike last year 2013 which is 14.5 percent.

I’ve heard this comment as well.

“Things were so affordable that people said, ‘I have to buy,’ ” said Ryan Kirkham, vice president of the Utah Association of Realtors.  “The interest rates, the job growth, the affordability all pushed the prices up.

So what does it really mean? and What’s in it for every one?

I think since population is growing, many people will be needing house, since that is one of our basic needs. And of course, if the price of each house for sale is cheaper and will have lesser interest rates, more people can afford it. And absolutely if that one will be remain, a lot of people will be benefit for it.

For the sellers, you can have a lot of customers, since most of the buyer’s prefer to buy affordable house.

For the buyers , for example you bought a cheaper house, there is a big possibility that you will buy another one, not only for additional investment but also you can turn the house into a rental home or property and earn money from it while your investment rises in value.

For the Lenders or Bank, since most of the home buyers normally got their house through mortgage, of course the more affordable houses for sale, the more customer will borrow money from them, the Bank will receive a lot of interest for it.

And lastly for agents, the more buyers they will encounter, the more commission they will get.

not too late

So I can say It’s really not too late to have your own house, there is a lot of houses you can choose from, and there’s a lot of ways and opportunity where you can grow and earn.







First Time Home Owner?

If you are renting for so many years and you are tired of dreaming that you will be having your own house someday. This is the perfect time for you to make it real.

I will give you an information about a particular state in United States where you can live your life with so much peace, a place away from New York or Los Angeles California.

I am pertaining to Utah. I’ve read a lot of blogs about living in Utah. Mountains are gorgeous as per them… They are also proud that their place is so safe, no wonder because when I checked Merriam dictionary I’ve found out that many of the people who lives in Utah is what we’ve called Mormons, in fact 62% of Utahns are reported to be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is in’t great? I also felt so much happiness while reading it, it’s very rare now a days to see a peaceful place. Also, one thing I like about Utahan’s, as per them if you have foreign accent or if you are not blond or blue eyed, people will still be nice to you.

Based from the report of Utah Association of realtors, during 2013, Utah realtors sold 40,676 homes, townhomes and condominiums. It means year 2013 is the year they have the highest number of transactions for selling homes. Why I am telling this to you? Well, I just want to let you know that a lot people in United States still trusting Utah.And of course I have one available house for you that you can take advantage, I believe nothing compares to the happiness you will feel when you have your own home.

This is the house I am sharing to you with pleasure.

house in utah

This house is located in West Old Iron town Rd Cedar City Utah

This is 900 square foot single family home and has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

This home is in the South Dearborn Com S School District.

Below are the details of the house.

>Lot : 1,742 sqft / $22 per sqft

>can accomodate single family

>Built in 1940

>  It is now for only $19,900

We know that social life can be difficult, and many people move away because of that.

But I do believe its really how you live.

Just give me a message @, if you are interested in the house I am selling, I will be more than happy to share it with you.


That’s the name I used to call to my only trainer in MOD.

I can still remember during the pre orientation , he is the one who conducted the profiling assessment, and I do admit that I am so afraid of his voice that night  since he sounds so professional with his prefect voice, full of energy and I could say a world class speaker, well, to be honest until now, every time I hear his voice ,I can still feel the fear a bit every time we will have discussion.

Time after time, I used to think If I can make it up until the end of the training, but suddenly my heart says, that no matter what happen ,whether I pass or I fail God willing, I will just let it go, and the fact is I will never ever forget  that once in my life I had a trainer who is 100% confident , very enthusiastic and a very good teacher like him.

Now, I will let you see how my what I’ve called Boss looks like, and get to know more about him.


Yes, you are right. He is  so cute and looks like he  don’t feel any fear to anybody at all. I really like his nose and I have a feeling, that it is his asset. And can you imagine he is only 24 years old? Yes he is just 24 year old. I’m so amazed that in his age, He is already a Call Center Client Manager.And on what I have  heard, he took up Nursing at Perpetual Help, and he resides in Las Piñas City. He is also a good dancer since he is a cheer leader choreographer .I do believe he also loves to sing, I heard his voice already in you tube and if u will hear his singing too, u will also definitely say to yourself that he is a good one.

I really admire him, a lot.

And that’s all I can say to my Boss.