That’s the name I used to call to my only trainer in MOD.

I can still remember during the pre orientation , he is the one who conducted the profiling assessment, and I do admit that I am so afraid of his voice that night  since he sounds so professional with his prefect voice, full of energy and I could say a world class speaker, well, to be honest until now, every time I hear his voice ,I can still feel the fear a bit every time we will have discussion.

Time after time, I used to think If I can make it up until the end of the training, but suddenly my heart says, that no matter what happen ,whether I pass or I fail God willing, I will just let it go, and the fact is I will never ever forget  that once in my life I had a trainer who is 100% confident , very enthusiastic and a very good teacher like him.

Now, I will let you see how my what I’ve called Boss looks like, and get to know more about him.


Yes, you are right. He is  so cute and looks like he  don’t feel any fear to anybody at all. I really like his nose and I have a feeling, that it is his asset. And can you imagine he is only 24 years old? Yes he is just 24 year old. I’m so amazed that in his age, He is already a Call Center Client Manager.And on what I have  heard, he took up Nursing at Perpetual Help, and he resides in Las Piñas City. He is also a good dancer since he is a cheer leader choreographer .I do believe he also loves to sing, I heard his voice already in you tube and if u will hear his singing too, u will also definitely say to yourself that he is a good one.

I really admire him, a lot.

And that’s all I can say to my Boss.


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