Are You Sure You’re Ready?


I have heard some advises from other men older of age, whenever you think something necessary in your daily needs specially you have enough money and its very cheap this time, even you’re not gonna use it yet, go ahead and buy it, since time after time the Price of all things will increase. Well, some part I agree, but really can’t say It’s a YES YES….

I strongly believe that there’s a lot of things you have to consider when buying, specially things that needs big amount of money , let use House as an example. Buying a House is not like buying a cloth ( Not unless you’re truly a Multi – Millionaire ), Of course you need to be more practical, in particularly Money Matters.

These are the best 2 things you have to put in mind when buying A Home .

1.Check first your standing, are you capable enough? Is your salary and savings enough for this? If yes…

2. What if there’s an a unnecessary things came / happened, are you willing to do everything for you not to loose the House? Or should I say are you willing to sacrifice? Since most of the terms of payment is really long.

I know these 2 things are so common , but definitely not easy.

Let me know if you want me to explain it in details or you have other questions in mind specially when It comes to HOME.

I’m willing to help, Call me at 612-685-8811.

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